Address Book is an add-on for Tally.ERP 9 customization where you can view complete details of Name, Address, Pin Code, Tin No., PAN No., state, groups and other data in the Ledger. The User can customize the columns required by pressing F12 or Configure Button. This module allows printing of the report and filters according to the Ledger Name, Pin Code, Ledger Group, etc. The address Book TDL in Tally keeps your address book organized.
Negative Stock Control TDL will not allow the user to generate a voucher with negative stock and the Tally software prompts you with a warning message. By default, the User can decide whether to make the entry or not. This module ensures the User enters transactions like stock journal vouchers, delivery notes, and sales invoices in case the issued quantity is more than the available stock.
The supplier invoice No. validation authorizes the User to view Supplier Invoice Number and Date in the default Purchase register report. The user can track the invoice numbers of the vendors for stock returns and for accountability. The purchase register displays the purchase order details of the supplier, invoice date and amount.
Item-wise Sales Summary TDL provides sales information for a specific period, based on the item information. The items listed are sold or returned during the selected period along with their sales. Return, net quantity, and values. A detailed item-wise or style-wise summary report can be easily generated.
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