Tallyprime introduces a new feature to keep track of and have a check on your voucher alterations . This tool, Voucher Alter History (Audit Trail), exclusively assists you in generating reports of history on voucher data entries.
View and generate a comprehensive report that shows the history of a voucher creation/ alteration. It also shows who created/altered it and when it was created/altered. The owner or the auditor has the authorized access and will be able to view and generate the reports on alterations, verify and approve voucher history.
The features include:
Record every action on voucher history
View purchase & sales order along with Quantity, Rate,Tax ledger and who created/altered it.
History can be maintained for deleted vouchers as well with the information of who and when the voucher was deleted.
What reports can you get?
Transaction History
Voucher Alter History
Deleted Voucher History
Audit Approval Pending
Audit Approved Vouchers
With Tallyprime’s voucher alter history, you can now view and generate voucher history.